英語版 Google を辞書代わりに使っても大丈夫?

英語版 Google を辞書代わりに使っても大丈夫?

「こういう使い方あっているかな?」と、センテンスまたは文章の一部をGoogle の英語版で検索し、沢山ヒットしたらOKというように使う動きがあるようなのですが、これは、余りお勧めしません


Regarding using Google like a dictionary, I can't stress
how much of a BAD IDEA this is. Google searches pages and
does not differentiate between pages that have been written by people who can use English properly and people who

Even corporate sites frequently have errors on their pages
so there is no guarantee that anything Google produces will actually be an accurate way of saying things.

People also tend to be extremely sloppy on the web so they will use informal language and short forms that are not appropriate for normal written business communications.

ひらめき Google は、正しい件数をカウントするわけではないのです。



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